My Favorite Vacation
One of my favorite places to visit is a resort upstate in the Catskill Mountains called Villa Roma Resort. I love this place so much and enjoy going up there every summer with my family. In the morning, we go down to the pool to relax. During this time, we reminisce with old friends that we have not seen since the previous year. My favorite time of day is the late afternoon or early evening. I love to sit outside on the patio and watch for deer that may appear from the woods. It is extremely peaceful to sit and watch as the sun sets. After one week, it is time to come home, and although I am always sad to leave, I know that I will be back next summer for another relaxing and fun week.
- visit: stay somewhere for a short period of time
- resort: a popular vacation spot
- relax: rest; engage in an enjoyable activity
- reminisce: to recall past events
- previous: existing or occurring before
- patio: an outdoor area
- appear: become visible; come into sight
- peaceful: calm, quiet
Vocabulary Exercises:
Directions: Match each word to the correct definition.
- peaceful a. calm, quiet
- visit b. an outdoor area
- relax c. a popular vacation spot
- appear d. stay somewhere for a short period of time
- resort e. become visible, come into sight
- patio f. to recall past events
- reminisce g. rest; engage in an enjoyable activity
- previous h. existing or occurring before
Grammar Point: Adjectives
Adjectives can be described as a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to a noun to modify or describe it.
Example: the beautiful sunset
beautiful is the adjective describing the sunset (sunset is the noun)
Exercise: Write one paragraph that describes in detail, using adjectives, either: your favorite vacation, a member of your family, or your best friend.

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